Monday, November 17, 2014

Audio book review

The Gratitude Effect - by Dr John Demartini  (cool name, huh?)

This book seemed long- was over 6 hours - but I did enjoy it.  I learned a few things from it and do not regret the time I spent listening to it.  It seems so simple but I must admit I could do a much better job at being grateful, for everything, good and bad, than I am.

I have probably NEVER thought to be grateful for bad things.  In the book he explains that really there are no good or bad events, it is our perception of events that we label as good or bad.  Either way, the event has something to teach us and there is always something to be grateful for.  He gives steps (questions)  to try to find those nuggets and he gives many examples.

He shows how the Universe is balanced and self correcting.  I had never thought of that before but it does make sense to me.

He also highly recommends keeping a gratitude journal.  How many times have I heard this?  I think I even started one with an app on my phone one time...I need to write it in a journal not on my phone. He suggest doing it for 1 month and seeing how your life changes.

I love my life already so this can only enhance it.  I believe I will start keeping a gratitude journal today.

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